Mid-term strategic plan of the Institute for Political Science (summary)
Leading the way in domestic political science: the Institute for Political Science has achieved outstanding publication performance in international journals between 2019 and 2022
About our Institute
The primary objective of the Institute for Political Science of the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) is to conduct basic research in political science. Researchers at the Institute conduct both theoretical and empirical research, and the results are disseminated to both the academic and general public at scientific and professional forums.
Latest news
New paper by Zsolt Boda “Shrinking space: the changing political opportunities of advocacy groups in illiberal governance” has been published in the journal European Politics and Society.
New paper by Áron Buzogány “EU Renewable Energy Governance and the Ukraine War: Moving Ahead Through Strategic Flexibility?” has been published in the journal Politics and Governance.
The prize is given by HUN-REN (Hungarian Research Network) to young researchers with outstanding scientific performance.
New paper by Tibor Valuch ’The changing world of labour in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe before and after the 1989/90 transition’ has been published in the Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe.
New book chapter by Ana Stojilovska and Mariëlle Feenstra ’Female Voices of Energy Deprivation The Lived Experience of Energy Vulnerable Women in North Macedonia and Austria’ has been published in the book ’Living with Energy Poverty. Perspectives from the Global North and South’ edited by P. V. Herrejón, B. Lennon and N. P. Dunphy.
New paper by Ana Stojilovska and her colleagues ’Making a Case for Centring Energy Poverty in Social Policy in Light of the Climate Emergency: A Global Integrative Review’ has been published in Social Policy and Society.
Dániel Mikecz's new book entitled "Civil Movements in an Illiberal Regime. Political Activism in Hungary" has been published by CEU Press.
New paper by András Bíró-Nagy and Áron Buzogány ’Beyond Institutional Adaptation: Legislative Europeanisation and Parliamentary Attention to the EU in the Hungarian Parliament’ has been published in Parliamentary Affairs.
The prize was given at the annual meeting of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP).
PLEDGE - POLITICS OF GRIEVANCE AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE is a research and innovation project studying grievances and their impacts on democracy.
Latest posts
The second pti memo post summarises the lecture by Bálint Magyar and Bálint Madlovics, researchers at the CEU Democracy Institute, titled “The Russia-Ukraine War and Its Structural Consequences.” The event was organised as part of the HUN-REN Institute for Political Science’s Speaker Series on February 6, 2025.
Hungary is often portrayed as a problem case for European integration due to frequent clashes between Viktor Orbán’s government and the EU’s institutions. Yet, as András Bíró-Nagy and Gergő Medve-Bálint explain in their post on the LSE EUROPP blog, the country’s 20 years in the EU have also seen a relatively high level of compliance with EU policies and strong support for membership among the public.
In the first pti memo post, we summarise Christian Baden’s (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) thought-provoking lecture titled “Propaganda as a Social Process.” The lecture was hosted by the HUN-REN Institute for Political Science as part of its Speaker Series event series on January 23, 2025.