Department of Political Behaviour

Department of Political Behaviour

Political behaviour being the most diverse area of political science, makes the Department of Political Behaviour (DPB) the most colourful one in the Institute for Political Science. Generally speaking, it is our aim to measure and comprehend the politics beyond institutions. To do so, we conduct qualitative and quantitative researches, surveys, content analyses, interviews, and network analyses. When it comes to the research designs, there are also varying approaches: historical, longitudinal, comparative, single case studies, normative and descriptive. 

Our activities are funded/has been funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Funds, EU H2020, International Visegrad Fund and multiple scholarships from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. We represent our department in the most important international events such as ECPR Conferences and Workshops, IPSA Congresses, ICA and ESA Conferences. We regularly publish in highly ranked journals, like Parlamentary Affairs; International Journal of Press/Politics; Journal of Information Technology & Politics; Media, Crime, Culture; International Journal of Communication; Social Media + Society; Problems of Post-Communism; East European Politics and Society.

The main fields and topics of our research are as follows:

Head of the departmentOross, Dániel

Members of the department: