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Benedek, István (2024). Populist autocratization and populist electoral autocracies: towards a unified conceptual framework. Comparative European Politics, OnlineFirst (Q1, IF: 2.6)
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Farkas, Eszter; Farkas, Attila & Kovarek, Dániel (2024): Last Place Aversion, Labor Market Competition or Welfare State Model? Explaining Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Hungary with a Conjoint Experiment; Political Research Exchange; 6 (1); online first. 1. 2., Q1
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Gyulai, Attila, Baranyai, Artúr: Political thinking in action: realism as ideology in the discourses of Macron, Orbán, and Scholz about Ukraine. Political Research Exchange, 2024 (6)1, 1. 8., Q1
Gyulai, Attila, Pócza, Kálmán: From depoliticization to politicization: three periods of thinking politically with Carl Schmitt in Hungary. Journal of Political Ideologies. 1,6, Q2
Kopasz, Marianna, Husz, Ildikó, Bartus, Tamás: The role of the family’s ethnicity and correlates in social workers’ risk perceptions: Evidence from a vignette study in Hungary. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 166, November 2024, 107950. 2. 4., Q1
Kopasz, Marianna, Győri, Ágnes, Husz, Ildikó, Medgyesi Márton: Does attending to extremely poor clients increase the burnout of social workers? European Journal of Social Work, 2024, 1. 1., Q1
Littvay, Levente, Demasi, C. & McCoy, J. (2024). Influencing People’s Populist Attitudes With Rhetoric and Emotions: An Online Experiment in the United States. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0). 3.2, D1
Littvay, Levente, Ameni Mehrez, Youssef Meddeb, Bojan Todosijevic & Carsten Schneider (2023) Introducing the comparative study of electoral systems in Tunisia: populist attitudes, political preferences, and voting behavior, Mediterranean Politics. 1.7 (2022 JCR). 117/615 Q1 Political Science and International Relations
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Metz, Rudolf, Veronika Kövesdi: ‘Whoever is not against us is for us’ sectarianization of politics in Hungary, Politics, Religion & Ideology, 24:4, 521-542. 1.8, Q1
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Papp, Zsófia, Julien Navarro, Federico Russo, Laura Emőke Nagy: Patterns of democracy and democratic satisfaction. Results from a comparative conjoint experiment. European Journal of Political Research, First published 6 April 2024. 5.3, Q1
Papp, Zsófia, Szabó, Andrea & Susánszky, Pál. (2024). Question-Order Effect in the Study of Satisfaction with Democracy: Lessons from Three Split-Ballot Experiments. Sociological Methodology, First publishes 28 May 2024, 3, D1
Ring, Orsolya, Szabó, Martina Katalin, Csenge Guba, Bendegúz Váradi, István Üveges: Approaches to Sentiment Analysis of Hungarian Political News at the Sentence Level. LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION, 2024, Springer, 29 oldal 2.151 (Scopus). 0.35 (SCImago SJR Rank)
Ring, Orsolya, Sebők, Miklós, Márk György Kis, Martin Balázs Bánóczy & Ágnes Dinnyés: The geopolitics of vaccine media representation in Orbán’s Hungary—an AI-supported sentiment analysis. Journal of Computational Social Science, Springer, 2.0, Q2
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Stojilovska, Ana, Hyerim Yoon, Jan Frankowski: Enough pain, cold, and illness! Social movements in response to energy poverty in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science 115 103627. 1. 6.
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Papp, Zsófia, Azevedo et al.: Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. In Azevedo et al. (2023) Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific Data, First published 11 May 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02080-8. 8,501 Q1
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Stojilovska, Ana; Jeremias Herberg, Emily Drewing, Julia-Lena Reinermann, Jörg Radtke, Michael LaBelle, & Konrad Gürtler: Energy spaces: bridging scales and standpoints of just energy transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (2): 135-141. 3,977
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Gabriella, Szabó – Balázs, Kiss: Sharing political nostalgia in Hungary. Is yearning for the past successful on social media? Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1995332 (IF: 1.867)
Illés, G., Körösényi, A: From the theater to the hippodrome: A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative. Contemp Polit Theory (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41296-021-00525-6
Lilleker, D., Bene, M., Balaban, D., Fenoll, V., Kruschinski, S. (2021): Populism, Its Prevalence, and Its Negative Influence on Democratic Institutions. In Palau-Sampio, D., López-Garcia, G., Iannelli, L. (eds.) Contemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy. IGI Global (pp. 153-170.)
Metz, Rudolf (2021): "Democratic leadership as a political weapon: Competition between fictions and practices." International Journal of Public Leadership, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPL-09-2020-0094
Metz, Rudolf (2021): The missing link: Studying political leadership from the followers’ perspective. Politics. online first DOI: 10.1177/02633957211056227
Metz, Rudolf and Réka Várnagy (2021): “Mass,” “Movement,” “Personal,” or “Cartel” Party? Fidesz’s Hybrid Organisational Strategy. Politics and Governance (9)4 DOI: 10.17645/pag.v9i4.4416
Miklós, Sebők- Zsolt, Boda: Hungarian Comparaive Agendas Project, Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes. The Case of Hungary, Palgrave Macmillan
Miklós, Sebők, Jasper Simons: "How Orbán won? Neoliberal disenchantment and the grand strategy of financial nationalism to reconstruct capitalism and regain autonomy" , Socio-Economic Review
Oross, Dániel: Why political parties encourage participatory opportunities? Evidence from Hungary, ECPR honlap https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/58639
Oross, Dániel (2021): Sustainability and Politics: Explaining the Emergence of the 2020 Budapest Climate Assembly, Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 6100; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116100
Oross, Dániel (2021): Using deliberation for partisan purposes: evidence from the Hungarian National Consultation, The European Journal of Social Science Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2021.1995335
Oross, Dániel (2021): Moving online: political parties and the internal use of digital tools in Hungary, Taylor and Francis Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2021.1943485
Péter, Róbert: Origins of Multidimensional Class Locations in Hungary Polish Sociological Review, 3(215)’21, 369-386 DOI:10.26412/psr215.05 www.polish-sociological-review.eu
Tibor, Valuch: Everyday Life under Communism and After - Lifestyle and Consumption in Hungary, 1945–2000
Veronika, Patkós (2021): Does partisan polarisation predict economic growth? Evidence from 27 European countries. Contemporary Politics https://doi.org/10.1080/13569775.2021.1992100
Barczikay, Tamás; Biedermann, Zsuzsánna and Szalai, László (2020) „An Investigation of a Partial Dutch Disease in Botswana”. Resources Policy 67, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101665
Bartha, Attila and Zentai Violetta (2020) „Long-Term Care and Gender Equality: Fuzzy-Set Ideal Types of Care Regimes in Europe”. Social Inclusion, 8(4): 92–102.
Békés, Csaba (2020) The Bibliography of New Cold War History, Budapest: Cold War History Research Center
Békés, Csaba (2020) The History of the Soviet Bloc 1945–1991. A Chronology. Part 2. 1953–1968, Budapest: Cold War History Research Center
Békés, Csaba; Hershberg J.G., Kemény, János and Szőke, Zoltán (2020) Documentary Evidence on the Hungarian Mediation Efforts between the US and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1965–1967), Budapest: Cold War Research Centre
Bíró-Nagy, András; Győri, Gábor and Sebők, Miklós (2020) Hungarian Politics in 2019, Budapest: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Boda, Zsolt and Medve-Bálint, Gergő (2020) Politicized Institutional Trust in East Central Europe, Taiwan Journal of Democracy ,16(1), pp 27–49.
Bódi, Ferenc; Ragusa, Andrea and Ralitsa, Savova (2020), Courage in Politics, Ospedaletto: Pacini Editore
Farkas, Xénia and Bene, Márton (2020) Images, Politicians, and Social Media: Patterns and Effects of Politicians’ Image-Based Political Communication Strategies on Social Media. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Körösényi, András; Illés, Gábor and Gyulai, Attila (2020) The Orbán Regime : Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making, London: Routledge.
Lembcke, Oliver W., and Pócza, Kálmán (2020) Neue Wege der empirischen Verfassungsgerichtsforschung am Beispiel des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. In Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bundesländern: Theoretische Perspektiven, methodische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde, ed. Werner Reutter. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 77–98. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28961-4_4
Makszin, Kristin and Bohle, Dorothee (2020) „Housing as a Fertility Trap: The Inability of States, Markets, or Families to Provide Adequate Housing in East Central Europe”: East European Politics and Societies. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0888325419897748
Makszin, Kristin; Medve-Bálint, Gergő and Bohle; Dorothee (2020) „North and South, East and West: Is It Possible to Bridge the Gap?” In Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union, ed. Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy, and Vivien A. Schmidt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Makszin, Kristin (2020) „The East–West divide: Obstacles to European integration”. In Scott L. Greer és Janet Laible (Ed.s) The European Union after Brexit, Manchester University Press.
Mikecz, Dániel (2020) Challenges Facing Free Movement in the European Union after Brexit and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Budapest: Republikon
Mikecz, Dániel (2020) The Future of the Liberal Visegrad Project, Budapest: Republikon
Mikecz, Dániel (2020) The State of Human Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic in East-Central Europe, Budapest: Republikon
Mikecz, Dániel (2020) „Civil society as a counterbalance to democratic backlash? The civil society master frame and discursive opportunities of politically active civil organizations in Hungary”. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe , 0(0) 1–15.
Mikecz, Dániel (2020) „Claims-making and Morality: The Case of Hungarian Solidarity Movements”. Politologický časopis - Czech Journal of Political Science 27(2): 140–57.
Patkós, Veronika and Szántó, András (2020) „Does sophistication increase partisan bias? Evidence from a cross-national analysis”. European Politics and Society 0(0): 1–15.
Patkós, Veronika and Farkas, Eszter (2020) „Wearing rose-coloured glasses. The happiness effect of party attachments in Europe”. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 0(0): 1–14.
Pócza, Kálmán (2020) „Closing the Expectation Gap? Crisis of Hungarian Parliamentarism in the Inter-War Period”. In The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since 1800, Palgrave Studies in Political History, ed. Remieg Aerts et al. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 139–58. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27705-5_8
Sebők, Miklós and Kozák, Sándor. (2020) “From State Capture to ‘Pariah’ Status? The Preference Attainment of the Hungarian Banking Association (2006–14),” Business and Politics. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–23. doi: 10.1017/bap.2020.8.
Susánszky, Pál and Kritzinger, Sylvia (2020): „The 2019 EP Election in Hungary”. In: Sylvia Kritzinger et al. (ed) Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020. |: Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781000057225
Susánszky, Pál; Unger, Anna and Kopper, Ákos (2020) „Hungary’s Over-Powerful Government Party and the Desperate Opposition”. European Review: 1–17.
Szűcs, Zoltán Gábor „Political Obligations in Illiberal Regimes”. Res Publica. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11158-020-09477-x
Valuch, Tibor (2020), Die ungarische Gesellschaft im Wandel, Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet
Valuch, Tibor (2020): „Raum und Gesellschaft in Budapest, 1945–1990. Kontinuitäten und Umbrüche im Alltagsleben”. In Máté Tamáska and Barbara Rief Vernay (eds.): Wien - Budapest Stadträume des 20. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich., Praesens Verlag.
Wineroither, David M. (2020): „Das Demokratiemodell des B-VG und die politische Realität der Zweiten Republik”. Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht 75(1): 139
Bene Marton, Szabó Gabriella: Bonded by Interactions: Polarising Factors and Integrative Capacities of the News Media in Hungary. Javnost – The public Vol. 26(3): 309-329. p. IF: 0.860
Bene Márton: Sharing Is Caring! Investigating Viral Posts on Politicians’ Facebook Pages During the 2014 General Election Campaign in Hungary. In: Lilleker, D. et al (Eds): Social media campaigning in Europe. London, Routledge, 2019, 117-137.
Bíró-Nagy András: The Career Paths of Central European MEPs. Political Experience and Career Ambitions in the European Parliament. Romanian Journal of Political Science, 19(1): 88-114. IF:0.382
Böcskei Balázs, Molnár Csaba: The radical right in government? - Jobbik's pledges in Hungary's legislation (2010-2014), East European Politics, 35(1): 1-20. IF: 0.817
Hajnal György, Rosta Miklós: A New Doctrine in the Making? Doctrinal Foundations of Sub-National Governance Reforms in Hungary (2010-2014) Administration and Society.51(3): 404-430 IF: 1.698
Hermann Zoltán, Kopasz Marianna: Educational policies and the gender gap in test scores: a cross-country analysis, Research Papers in Education. 1-22. p. IF: 1.109
Kiss Balázs, Szabó Gabriella: Hungary. In: Milos, Gregor; Otto, Eibl (eds.) Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Körösényi, András: The Theory and Practice of Plebiscitary Leadership: Weber and the Orban regime. East European Politics and Societies 33(2): 280-301. IF: 0,5
Márquez-Ramírez, (….);Szabó Gabriella: Detached or Interventionalist? Comparing the Performance of Watchdog Journalism in Transitional, Advanced and Non-democratic Countires. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESS / POLITICS 25(1): 53-75. IF: 3.0
Matuszewski Paweł, Szabó Gabriella: Are Echo Chambers Based on Partisanship? Twitter and Political Polarity in Poland and Hungary. Social Media and Society 5(2): 1- 14.
Medve-Bálint Gergő, Vera Šćepanović: ‘EU Funds, State Capacity and the Development of Transnational Industrial Policies in Europe’s Eastern Periphery’. Review of International Political Economy IF: 2,800
Metz Rudolf, Oross Dániel: Strong Personalities’ Impact on Hungarian Party Politics: Viktor Orbán and Gábor Vona. In: Gherghina S (ed.) Party Leaders in Eastern Europe: Personality, Behavior and Consequences. Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019 pp. 145–170.
Norocel, Cristian, Szabó Gabriella: Mapping the discursive opportunities for radical-right populist politics across Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 66(1) IF: 1.636
Oross Dániel & Róna Dániel & Szabó Andrea: Who Brings the Political Change? Divergent Understandings of Politics Among Politically Active Students. In: Feischmidt, Margit; Majtényi, Balázs (eds..) The rise of populist nationalism : Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary. CEU Press
Papp Zsófia: Dual candidacy as a source of legislator behaviour. The re-election and the mandate incentive under mixed-member electoral rules. ACTA POLITICA Online First , 23 IF: 1.1
Papp Zsófia: Votes, money can buy. The conditional effect of EU Structural Funds on government MPs’ electoral performance. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS 20(4): 543-561. IF: 2.6
Sebők Miklós; Boda Zsolt: The Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project In: Frank, R Baumgartner; Christian, Breunig; Emiliano, Grossman (Eds.) Comparative Policy Agendas: Theory, Tools, Data Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019. P. 11: The Hungarian Agendas Project
Szabó, Gabriella: Book review: Monish Bhatia, Scott Poynting and Waqas Tufail (eds), Media, Crime and Racism. CRIME MEDIA CULTURE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 15(3): 549-551. IF: 1.7
Szűcs, Zoltán Gábor: The a-theoretical core of political realism. Studies in Social and Political Thought. 31-43.
Tóth, András, Bartha, Eszter: Why Elite Workers' Attracted by the Radical Right? The Impact of Deeply Ingrained Nationalism and Perceptions of Exploitations. In: Feischmidt, Margit; Majtényi, Balázs (eds.) The rise of populist nationalism : Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary. CEU Press, 2019
Valuch Tibor: Die ungarische Gesellschaft im Wandel. Soziale Veränderungen in Ungarn 1989–2019. Verlag Friedrich Pustet 2019
Wineroither, David, Günter Bischof (eds): Democracy in Austria. Contemporary Austrian Studies. University of New Orleans Press
Bene Márton: Sharing Is Caring! Investigating Viral Posts on Politicians’ Facebook Pages During the 2014 General Election Campaign in Hungary; Journal of Information Technology & Politics; Vol. 14. 2017. No. 4. 387-402 p.
Bene Márton: Post Shared, Vote Shared: Investigating the Link Between Facebook Performance and Electoral Success During the Hungarian General Election Campaign of 2014; Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 95. No. 2. 363-380 p.
Bene Márton; Szabó Gabriella, Cristian Norocel: Media Visibility and Inclusion of Radical Right Populism in Hungary and Romania; Problems of Post-Communism; 2018. 1-14 p.
Békés Csaba: Hungary 1968: Reform and the challange of the Prague Spring.; Palgrave Macmillan - In: Kevin McDermott –Matthew Stibbe (Eds.) Eastern Europe in 1968. Responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 147–167.
Boda Zsolt, Ócsai András: The Power of Tradition: Béres Pharmaceuticals; In: E. O'Higgins, L. Zsolnai (eds.) Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-Social Enterprise. 310 p. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. pp. 51-72.
Körösényi András; Metz Rudolf; Illés Gábor István: Broadening the limits of reconstructive leadership: Constructivist aspects of Viktor Orbán’s regime-building politics; The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, (OnlineFirst: Online publication date: 18-May-2018), 1-19. DOI: 10.1177/1369148118775043; 2018. Vol. 20. Issue 4. 790-808 p.
Körösényi András: Political Elites and Democracy; 41-52 p. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites, Palgrave MacMillan, 2018. 698 p.
Majtényi Balázs; Kopper Ákos; Susánszky Pál: Constitutional othering, ambiguity and subjective risks of mobilization in Hungary: examples from the migration crisis; Democratization, Received 28 Oct 2017, Accepted 21 Jun 2018, Published online: 13 Jul 2018; Taylor and Francis;
Medve Bálint Gergő: The Cohesion Policy on the EU’s Eastern and Southern Periphery: Misallocated Funds?; Studies in Comparative International Development, Springer, Vol. 53. 2018. No. 2. 218-238 p.
Papp Zsófia: Same Species, Different Breed. The Conditional Effect of Legislator Activities in Parliament on Re-selection in a Mixed-Member Electoral System; Parliamentary Affairs; 31. January, 2018. gsx049, https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsx049
Papp Zsófia, Federico Russo: Parliamentary Work, Re-Selection and Re-Election: In Search of the Accountability Link; Parliamentary Affairs; Volume 71, Issue 4, 1 October 2018, 853–867. p., https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsx047
Papp Zsófia: Do Personalised Campaigns Hint at Legislator Activities? The (Lacking) Relationship Between Campaigns and Legislator Behaviour in Hungary; Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 71, Issue 4, 1 October 2018, 908–929. p, https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsy025, Online first, 02 July 2018, Oxford University Press
Papp Zsófia; Patkós Veronika: The Macro-Level Driving Factors of Negative Campaigning in Europe; The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20 Oct 2018 online first, SAGE Journals
Patkós Veronika; Boda Zsolt: Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy-making in Hungary 2010–2014; Policy Studies, Vol. 39, 2018 - Issue 4. 402-421. p. Online first, Taylor and Francis
Pócza Kálmán (ed.): Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe London; New York: Routledge, 2018. 312 p.
Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor; Gyulai Attila: Courts compared: The practice of constitutional adjudication in Central and Eastern Europe In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 213-246.
Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor; Gyulai Attila: The Hungarian Constitutional Court A constructive partner in constitutional dialogue In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 96-126.
Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor: Research methodology, In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 8-32.; Routledge
Sebők Miklós: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Mission Creep of the National Bank of Hungary; Palgrave Macmillan In: Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change : Theoretical and Empirical Explorations. Ed. by Caner Bakir, Darryl S. L. Jarvis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 243-278. p.
Sebők Miklós, Berki Tamás: Punctuated Equilibrium In Democracy and Autocracy: An Analysis of Hungarian Budgeting Between 1868 and 2013; Europran Political Science Review; Published online: 19 September 2018
Sebők Miklós; Horváth Attila; M. Balázs Ágnes: Electoral reforms, entry barriers and the structure of political markets: A comparative analysis. European Journal of Political Research; Vol. 57. 2018. No.4. online first
Szűcs Zoltán Gábor: Aristotle's realist regime theory; European Journal of Political Theory, Online First; 2018. okt. 23.
Wineroither, David Martin; Seeber Gilg: Three Worlds of Representation: A Linkage-Based Typology of Parties in Western and Eastern Europe; East European Politics and Societies; Vol.32. 2017. No.3. 493-517 p.
Bene Márton: Sharing is caring! Investigating viral posts on politicians’ Facebook pages during the 2014 general election campaign in Hungary. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND POLITICS 14. (2017)
Békés Csaba: The Long Détente and the Soviet Bloc, 1953–1983. In: Oliver Bange, Poul Villaume (eds.) The Long Détente: Changing concepts of security and cooperation in Europe, 1950s-1980s. Budapest; New York: CEU Press, 2017. pp. 31-49.
Boda Zsolt: Governing by trust: sincerity as a procedural fairness norm In: Sorin Baiasu , Sylvie Loriaux (eds.) Sincerity in Politics and International Relations . 210 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2017. pp. 173-187. http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/72818
Mark Allinson, Csaba Békés, Melissa Feinberg et al (eds.) Cold War Eastern Europe. London; New York: Routledge, 2017.
Csizmadia Ervin: A magyar politikai fejlődés logikája: Összehasonlítható-e a jelen a múlttal, és ha igen, hogyan? Budapest: Gondolat, 2017. 410 p.
Dobos Gábor, Várnagy Réka: Hungary: Are Neglected Regional Elections Second-Order Elections? In: Arjan H Schakel (eds.) Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe: Territoriality of the Vote in Ten Countries. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. pp. 105-128. http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/73014
Hajnal György, Rosta Miklós, Geraldine Robbin: Joined-up Government as a Public Management Doctrine and Shared Services as a Central Element of JUG. In: Hilde Bjørnå , Stephan Leixnering , Tobias Polzer (eds.) "Joined up" Local Governments?: Restructuring and Reorganizing Internal Management . Wien: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, 2017. pp. 191-212.
Körösényi, András, Ondré, Péter, Hajdú, András: A „Meteoric” Career in Hungarian Politics In: Mark Bennister , Ben Worthy , Paul 't Hart (eds.) The Leadership Capital Index: A New Perspective on Political Leadership . 352 p. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. pp. 82-100.Körösényi András, Patkós Veronika: Variations for Inspirational Leadership: The Incumbency of Berlusconi and Orbán PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 70:(3) pp. 611-632. (2017) http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/73153
Máthé Réka Zsuzsánna, Hajnal György. Civil-Society Organizations’ Capacity Building in the Local Governmental Sector: Is It Working?: A Case Study. NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY X:(1) pp. 61-81. (2017)
Medve-Bálint Gergő: Funds for the wealthy and the politically loyal? How EU funds may contribute to increasing regional disparities in East Central Europe. In: John Bachtler , Peter Berkowitz , Sally Hardy , Tatjana Muravska (es.) EU Cohesion Policy: reassessing Performance and Direction . London; New York: Routledge, 2017. pp. 220-240. http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/73216
Oross Dániel, Szabó Andrea: Changing Tendencies of Youth Political Participation in Europe: Evidence from Four Different Cases. In: Michael J Breen (eds.) Values and Identities in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017. pp. 160-183.
Papp Zsófia: Challenging the Odds: Incumbency Disadvantage, Local Ties, and Electoral Performance in Hungary, 1994–2010. EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES tba:(tba) p. tba. (2017) http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/73112
Pócza Kálmán, Dobos Gábor, Gyulai Attila: How to Measure the Strength of Judicial Decisions: A Methodological Framework. GERMAN LAW JOURNAL 18:(6) pp. 1557-1586. (2017)
Sebők Miklós, Kubik Bálint, Molnár Csaba: Exercising Control and Gathering Information: The Functions of Interpellations in Hungary (1990-2014) JOURNAL OF LEGISLATIVE STUDIES 2017:(4) pp. 1-19. (2017)
Cristian, Norocel, Szabó, Gabriella, Bene, Márton: Integration or Isolation? Mapping Out the Position of Radical Right Media in the Public Sphere. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 11: pp. 3764-3788. (2017) http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/73250
Szűcs Zoltán Gábor: Realism and Utopianism Reconsidered: A Political Theoretical Reading of A Song of Ice and Fire. In: Czigányik Zsolt (eds.) Utopian Horizons: Ideology, Politics, Literature. Budapest; New York: CEU Press, 2017. pp. 217-236.
Balázs Zoltán: The Principle of the Separation of Powers. A Defense. Lanham; New York; London: Rowman and Littlefield, (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47792
Békés Csaba: Hungary, the Soviet Bloc, the German question and the CSCE Process, 1965-1975. Journal of Cold War Studies, 18(3): 95-138 (2016), IF: 0,489. http://real.mtak.hu/32804
Bene Márton: Go viral on the Facebook! Interactions between candidates and followers on Facebook during the Hungarian general election campaign of 2014 Information, Communication& Society, Online First, 1-18 (2016), IF: 2,109. http://real.mtak.hu/47585
Bíró-Nagy András: Central European MEPs and Their Roles. World Political Science Review, 12(1): 147-174 (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47588
Körösényi András, Illés Gábor, Metz Rudolf: Contingency and Political Action: The Role of Leadership in Endogenously Created Crises, POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE 4:(2) 91-103. (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47592
Papp Zsófia, Zorigt Burtejin: Party-directed personalisation: the role of candidate selection in campaign personalisation in Hungary; EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS 32 (4), 466-486 (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47597
Papp Zsófia: Shadowing the elected: mixed-member incentives to locally oriented parliamentary questioning JOURNAL OF LEGISLATIVE STUDIES 22/2 216-236 (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47594
Pócza Kálmán: Staatliche Souveränität reloaded? ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PARLAMENTSFRAGEN 47:(4) pp. x-xx. (2016) http://real.mtak.hu/48483
Szabó Gabriella, Bene Márton: Interaction Networks of the Hungarian Media. In: Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel (ed.): Media in Process. Routledge, 119-140. (2016). http://real.mtak.hu/47596
Previous publications