Electoral Connection

Short Title


Full Title

The Electoral Connection under Party-Centred Electoral Rules. The Case of Hungary

Brief Description

The project aims to identify modes of personal representation under electoral rules that largely support party representation.

Research Period


Research Type

Individual, international

Research Manager

Papp Zsófia


Papp Zsófia (papp.zsofia@tk.mta.hu)

Research Summary

The project aims to tackle the incentive structures of constituency and individual representation under party-centred electoral rules. Motivations to individual and constituency representation are hypothesized and tested empirically with regards to the electoral term of 2010-2014.
Personal representation is perceived in three different ways. Moving from the more abstract to the concrete definitions, MPs’s attitudes, reported campaign strategies and visible actions in parliament are explained by institutional factors and with aspects of their carrier paths.
The ultimate goal of the project is to prove that personal representation is something that is atypical only at first sight in the Hungarian political context, and there are incentives with measurable effects on its intensity.