Research Fellow Ana Stojilovska was part of the author team of an editorial publication led by Jeremias Herberg titled Energy spaces: bridging scales and standpoints of just energy transitions. The special issue Transregional Configurations of Just Energy Transitions explores how discourses on justice are interrelated and influence transformation paths at different levels of society. The authors propose a spatial perspective that puts energy transitions and place-based research into context and argue that phasing out fossil fuels has become feasible, but phasing out the political, cultural, and social legacy of fossil fuel is a prerequisite for a just transition. As part of this special issue, Ana Stojilovska has also published two other articles, one has been exploring the role of Ombudspersons in detecting energy injustices (can be found here), and the other led by Michael LaBelle has proposed radicalizing energy justice (can be found here).
Herberg, J., Drewing, E., Reinermann, J.-L., Radtke, J., LaBelle, M., Stojilovska, A. and Gürtler, K. 2023. Energy spaces: bridging scales and standpoints of just energy transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (2): 135-141.
Link to the editorial publication: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1523908X.2023.2193024