David Wineroither published his op-eds in German language in Swiss Neue Zürcher Zeitung on politics in Orban`s Hungary and Austrian Der Standard that covers the struggle for leadership and party united in the Social Democratic Party of Austria.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung:
Our colleague puts the authoritarian backsliding in Hungary since 2010 in comparative perspective. He highlights exceptionally favorable conditions to democratic consolidation and economic prosperity in the earlier 1990s, summarizing a trajectory from being a member of a group of front-runners in the region to becoming the most illiberal political system in the European Union of 27. This includes other notorious cases exhibiting authoritarian tendencies, notably Poland.
Link to the article: https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/ungarn-demokratie-zum-abgewoehnen-ld.1634650?reduced=true
Der Standard:
Social democratic party delegates in Austria decide upon new leadership for the SPÖ in a run-off between two candidates. Andreas Babler and Hans-Peter Doskozil represent two wings of the party separated on economic and immigration policy, Babler taking a more leftist stance on socioeconomics while Doskozil champions a centrist position on identity politics. The two corroborate in their promise to win back working-class voters that are now supporting the right-wing populist Freedom Party. Wineroither claims that the combination of issue positions offered by Babler is (more) unlikely to achieve this goal. He argues that among these defectors are mostly skilled workers with an income level that makes this group (a) sensible to perceived loss of global competitiveness and (b) opposed to the introduction of property taxation.
Link to the article: https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000172245/weiter-nur-die-oppositionsgeige