Zsolt Boda

Zsolt Boda
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General Director

Research Professor (TK PTI)
Research Interests

governance and policy studies, populism research, trust and emotions in politics

Selected Publications

Bartha, A., & Boda, Zs. (2024). Tax Compliance Motivations During Corruption Scandals in a Fragile Democracy: A Before-and-After Study. Europe-Asia Studies, 76 (6) 1055-1077. 

Boda, Zs. (2023). Shrinking space: the changing political opportunities of advocacy groups in illiberal governance. European Politics & Society 25(4), 664–683.

Bene, M. & Boda, Zs. (2023). A safety net against populism? An investigation of the interaction effect of political efficacy and democratic capacities on populist attitudes. Political Research Exchange.

Sebők, M. & Boda, Zs. eds. (2021). Policy Agendas in Autocracies and Hybrid Regimes: The Case of Hungary. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bartha, A., Boda, Zs., Szikra, D. (2020). When populist leaders govern: Conceptualizing populism in policy making. Politics&Governance.

Research Projects

2024-2026 – MORES - Moral emotions in politics: how they unite, how they divide – Position: Principal Investigator, coordinator

2018-2023 – ’Populism in policy and law-making’​ (NKFIH-OTKA) – Position: Principal Investigator

2018-2022 – DEMOS - Democratic efficacy and the varieties of populism in Europe – Position: Principal Investigator, coordinator

2017-2018 – The dynamics of trust in Europe (EUROFOUND) – Position: expert

2013-2017 – ’Policy dynamics in Hungary’ (OTKA) – Position: Principal Investigator

2012-2014 – FIDUCIA - New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy (EU FP7 consortium) – Position: leader of the Hungarian team, Work Package leader

2012-2014 – ’Institutional trust and policy effectiveness in Hungary’ (OTKA) – Position: Principal Investigator

2009-2011 – EUROJUSTIS - Confidence in Justice (EU FP7 consortium) – Position: leader of the Hungarian team

2005-2006 – 'Social policy, regulation and private sector water supply' (UNRISD project) – Position: Researcher

2004-2007 – ’Global environmental regimes and Hungarian policy making’ (OTKA) – Position: Principal Investigator