Jekatyerina Dunajeva

Jekatyerina  Dunajeva
Download CV Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

education policy, minorities, identity politics, Russian and Eastern European politics 

Selected Publications

Dunajeva, Jekatyerina and Karrie Koesel, “Obstacles to Covenantal Pluralism in Contemporary Russia” The Review of Faith & International Affairs (2025, forthcoming)

Dunajeva, Jekatyerina, Taylor Kroezen and Hanna Siarova, “School Composition and Academic Achievement: The Case of Russian-Medium and Polish-Medium Schools in Lithuania” International Journal of Comparative Sociology (2024)

Dunajeva, J. (2023). University Mentoring Programs during the Pandemic: Case Study of Hungarian Roma University Students. Social Sciences, 12(3):111.

Dunajeva, J., & Szilvasi, M. (2023). Contesting Antigypsyism in Public Policy: Roma Integration in the Labour Market. In S. Webb, Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work, 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

Dunajeva, J., & Vajda, V. (2021). Positionality, Academic Research and Cooperative Inquiry: Lessons from Participatory Research with Roma. In D. Burns, J. Howard, & S. Ospina, Sage Handbook for Participatory Research (pp. 224-237). London: Sage.

Dunajeva, J. (2021). Othering through textbooks: Teaching about Roma in contemporary Hungary. In K. Górak-Sosnowska, & U. Markowska-Manista, Non-Inclusive Education in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Bloomsbury.

Dunajeva, J., & Kostka, J. (2021). Racialized politics of garbage: waste management in urban Roma settlements in Eastern Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(1).