Ákos Holányi

Ákos Holányi
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

small states, foreign policy analysis, Central Europe, European Union, symbolic politics

Selected Publications

Holányi Á., 2024. Közép-európai regionális együttműködések és kisállami érdekérvényesítés az Európai Unióban. Pólusok, 5 (2), 38–57.

Holányi, Á., 2024. Regional cooperation in Central Europe: A systematic review. On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe, (45), 118–149. 

Erőss, Á., Holányi, Á., and Tátrai, P., 2022. Toponymic politics and the role of heritagisation in multiethnic cities in Romania. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28 (6), 763–777.

Research Projects

Current projects

2024-today – Between normativity and pragmatism: the shifting foreign policy paradigms of Central European states – EKÖP-24-3-21

2023-today – Central European interest-advocacy in the European Union: a comparative analysis of Czechia and Hungary – doctoral research

Former projects

2023-2024 – Variations on regional cooperation: Central Europe in European space – ÚNKP-23-3-I-NKE-46

2023-2024 – The shifting global allegiances of Visegrád countries in a time of war – An AI-supported comparative analysis – MTA Momentum V-SHIFT, LP2023-16/2023 

2021 – Researching symbolic landscape in multiethnic cities: developing theoretical frames and methodological processes – NKFIH 2020-1.2.1-GYAK-2021-00031