Research Interests
legislative studies; artificial intelligence and new technologies (legal and regulatory aspects, ethical and societal challenges)
legislative studies; artificial intelligence and new technologies (legal and regulatory aspects, ethical and societal challenges)
Kiss, R. & Sebők, M. (2024) The concept of tailor-made laws and its empirical applications. Comparative European Politics (forthcoming)
Sebők, M., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2024). Introducing HUNCOURT: A New Open Legal Database Covering the Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court for Between 1990 and 2021. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15, 6507-6540.
Sebők, M., Kiss, R., Kovács, Á., (2023). The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding. Parliamentary Affairs, 76(4), 741–772.
Sebők, M., Gárdos-Orosz, F., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2023). The Transparency of Constitutional Reasoning: A Text Mining Analysis of the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 32(3), 11–44.
2023-2028 – V-SHIFT - The shifting global allegiences of Visegrad countries in a time of war (MTA Lendület program)
2023 – Programme Hubert Curien – Balaton research grant
2022-2025 – NKFIH Cooperative Doctoral Programme
2022-2023 – Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies - A European Research Infrastructure (OPTED)
Political and Legal Text Mining & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (poltextLAB)
Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project (CAP)
2022-2023 – Curia, PhD research program
2019-2020 – New National Excellence Programme
2019-2020 – Thematic Excellence Programme
2018-2019 – KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 “Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance" project