Tamás Kovalcsik

Tamás Kovalcsik
Download CV Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

electoral geography, geoinformatics, human geograph

Selected Publications

Kovalcsik, T. and Bódi, M. (2024), Javaslatcsomag a hazai országgyűlési választókerületi rendszer felülvizsgálatára, Területi Statisztika, Vol. 64 No. 4, pp. 413–447

Kovalcsik, T., Mezősi, G., Boros, L. and Szilassi, P. (2024), “This is How We Geographers Write” Publication Trends of Geographers between 1990 and 2022 (in Hungarian), Modern Geográfia, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 83–98

Kovalcsik, T. and Bódi, M. (2023), Geographical Realignment of the Hungarian Voting Behaviour Between 2014 and 2022, Modern Geográfia, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 59–77

Kovács, Z., Smith, M., Teleubay, Z. and Kovalcsik, T. (2023), Measuring visitor flows using mobile positioning data in three Hungarian second-tier cities, International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 656–674

Kovalcsik, T. and Nagy, G. (2022), The Relationship between Suburbanization and Spatiality of Voting Behaviour (in Hungarian), Településföldrajzi Tanulmányok, Vol. 11 No. 1–2, pp. 72–89.

Kovalcsik, T., Szabó, B., Vida, G. and Boros, L. (2021), Area-Based and Dasymetric Point Allocation Interpolation Method for Spatial Modelling Micro-Scale Voter Turnout in Budapest, Geographia Technica, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 67–77

Research Projects

PD OTKA 146375 - Electoral geography of Central Europe - Project Leader

K OTKA 131534 - Transforming local housing markets in non-metropolitan towns - Associate Researcher

K OTKA 135546 - Opportunities for the development of resource efficient and liveable cities in Hungary - Associate Researcher

TKP2021-NVA-09 - Smart systems - Researcher

National Atlas of Hungary Volume 1 - State and NationChapter author

National Atlas of Hungary Volume 3 - SocietyChapter author