Research Interests
strategic communication, political communication, persuasion
strategic communication, political communication, persuasion
Polyák, G. és Kövesdi, V., 2024. Democracy beyond Rationality. In: do Vale, H.F. szerk. Democracy - Crises and Changes Across the Globe. London: I.B. Tauris.
Metz, R. és Kövesdi, V., 2023. 'Whoever is not against us is for us' sectarianization of politics in Hungary. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 24(4), pp.521-542.
Sonnevend, J. és Kövesdi, V., 2023. More Than Just a Strongman: The Strategic Construction of Viktor Orbán's Charismatic Authority on Facebook. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 0(0).
2024-2027 – What makes political leaders strong? Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics (NKFIH FK 146569)