Research Interests
political economy of East Central Europe, European integration, transnationalization and Europeanization, regional development and regional disparities, industrial policy, state aid, cohesion policy
political economy of East Central Europe, European integration, transnationalization and Europeanization, regional development and regional disparities, industrial policy, state aid, cohesion policy
Ban, Cornel, Medve-Bálint Gergő, és Clara Volintiru. 2025. ‘The politics of developmental alliances and municipal industrial policy in Central and Eastern European cities’. Competition and Change.
Medve-Bálint, Gergő. 2024. ‘From Rust to High-Tech Hubs: FDI-Led Upgrading of Urban Economies in East Central Europe’. Studies in Comparative International Development 59: 740-766.
Medve-Bálint, Gergő, és Éltető Andrea. 2024. ‘Economic Nationalists, Regional Investment Aid, and the Stability of FDI-Led Growth in East Central Europe’. Journal of European Public Policy 31(3):874–99.
Medve-Bálint, Gergő, és Jakub Szabó. 2024. ‘The “EU‐Leash”: Growth Model Resilience and Change in the EU’s Eastern Periphery’. Politics and Governance 12(1):1–18.
Bíró-Nagy, András, és Medve-Bálint Gergő, szerk. 2024. 20 év az Európai Unióban. Magyarország uniós tagságának közpolitikai mérlege. Budapest: Osiris Kiadó.
Medve-Bálint, Gergő, és Vera Šćepanović. 2020. ‘EU Funds, State Capacity and the Development of Transnational Industrial Policies in Europe’s Eastern Periphery’. Review of International Political Economy 27(5):1063–82.
Medve-Bálint, Gergő. 2014. ‘The Role of the EU in Shaping FDI Flows to East Central Europe’. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52(1):35–51.
2023-2026 – Democracy and growth regimes in Central and Southern Europe (Bolyai Research Scholarship)
2022-2025 – 20 years in the European Union: a public policy assessment of Hungary's EU membership (NKFIH FK143022) – contributing researcher
2020-2024 – Transnational industrial policy in the EU’s periphery: the use of state aid and EU funds in Southern and Eastern Europe (NKFIH FK135342) – Principal Investigator
2020-2022 – Industrial policy on the periphery of the European Union (Bolyai Research Scholarship)
2017-2020 – Regional development capacities on the periphery of Europe: managing foreign investment and EU funds in Eastern and Southern Europe (MTA Premium Postdoctoral Scholarship, PPD-028/2017) – Principal Investigator
2015-2016 – Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union (MAXCAP, FP7) – contributing researcher
2012-2015 – New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy (FIDUCIA, FP7) – contributing researcher
2012-2015 – Institutional trust and public policy effectiveness in Hungary (OTKA K101701) – contributing researcher