Bendegúz Plesz

Bendegúz Plesz
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

Electoral Behaviour, Democratic Theory, Identity Politics, Political Communication, Polarisation

Selected Publications

Metz, Rudolf, Bendegúz Plesz (2023): An insatiable hunger for charisma? A follower-centric analysis of populism and charismatic leadership. Leadership 19, 318–338.

Körösényi, András, Veronika Patkós, Bendegúz Plesz and Pál (2022): The potentials of heresthetic and rhetoric in an open framing situation: theory and evidence from a survey experiment. Eur. Polit. Sci. Rev. 14, 94–114.

Patkós, Veronika, Bendegúz Plesz (2022): The European Government-Opposition Voter (EGOV) Data Set: Data on the government-opposition status of European voters and party identifiers. Intersect. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 213–217.

Research Projects

- What makes political leaders strong? Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics (NKFIH project number: FK 146569). (2024- )

- Democracy in the age of identity-politics: Building a realist theory of democracy (NKFIH project number: K 142410). (2022- )

- The role of polarization in the formation of undesirable social outcomes (NKFIH project number: FK 137755). (2021- )

- Horizon Europe – (MORES) Moral Emotions in Politics: How they unite, how they divide.  (2024- )

- Return of the Weberian leaders Return of the Weberian leaders: plebiscitary leader democracy as a means of cognition for contemporary political trends (NKFIH project number: K 128139) 2018-2022