Péter Róbert

Péter Róbert
Download CV Research Professor (TK PTI)
Research Interests

social stratification and mobility, educational inequalities, public opinion research, perception of social inequalities, political values and attitudes, subjective well-being

Selected Publications

Nagy, B., Róbert, P. és Geszler, N. (2023) Like parent, like child? The intergenerational transmission of subjective well-being in HungaryJournal of Family Studies, 29(4), 1645-1665.

Róbert P. (2023) Polarisation: Trends in class boundaries in Hungary. In: Spire, A., Penissat, É., Hugrée, C. and Hjellbrekke, J. (szerk.) Class Boundaries in Europe: The Bourdieusian Approach in Perspective, London, Routledge, 35-51. 

Róbert, P. (2021) Origins of Multidimensional Class Locations in HungaryPolish Sociological Review, 215(3), 369-386. 

Róbert, P., Saar, E. és Kazjulja, M. (2020) Individual and institutional influences on EU labour market returns to education: a comparison of the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on eight EU countriesEuropean Societies, 22(2), 157-187.

Róbert, P. (2019) The Role of Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics in Affecting Subjective Well-being: The Case of HungaryStudies of Transition States and Societies, 11(2), 3-22.

Albert F., David, B., Kmetty, Z., Kristóf, L., Róbert, P. és Szabó, A. (2018) Mapping the Post-communist Class Structure: Findings from a New Multidimensional Hungarian Class SurveyEast European Politics and Societies, 32(3), 544-565.

Róbert, P., Oross, D. és Szabó, A. (2017) Youth, Precarious Employment and Political Participation in HungaryIntersections, 3(1), 120-146.