Kutatási területek
migrációs attitűdök, médiahatás, morális érzelmek a politikában
migrációs attitűdök, médiahatás, morális érzelmek a politikában
Farkas, A., Kovarek, D., & Farkas, E. (2024). Last place aversion, labour market competition or welfare state model? Explaining anti-immigrant sentiment in Hungary with a conjoint experiment. Political research exchange, 6(1), 2367996.
Farkas, E., & Szabó, G. (2024). Exclusively Partisan Emotions? Imitating the Moral Emotional Expressions of Politicians. In Managing Moral Emotions in Divided Politics: Lessons from Hungary’s 2022 General Election Campaigns (pp. 221-239). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Farkas, E., & Szabó, G. (2024). “You Know How I Feel?” The Identification of Politicians’ Moral Emotional Displays During the 2022 Election Campaign in Hungary. In Managing Moral Emotions in Divided Politics: Lessons from Hungary’s 2022 General Election Campaigns (pp. 197-219). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Farkas, E. (2022). Discussing immigration in an illiberal media environment: Hungarian political scientists about the migration crisis in online public discourses. European Political Science, 21(1), 95-114.
Patkós, V. & Farkas, E (2020). Wearing rose-coloured glasses. The happiness effect of party attachments in Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 28(4), pp. 556-569.
MORES – Moral Emotions in Politics
MAPP – Measuring Anti-Immigrant Sentiments: Prevalence & Predictors